Best power for 10,000

Fellow Audiogoners,

I am in need of your help. I require your suggestions for the best high resolution pre/power amplifier I can get for $10,000. Integrated amps and pre/power combos, new or used are all O.K. with me. I like detail, but not harshness, excessive midrange bloom or loose, baggy bass. Overall, I want neutral, precise sound from top to bottom. So far the best I have heard is the Linn Klimax twin power amp, but at $9000, there isn't much left in the budget for a preamp. Associated equipment will be a Sony XA-777ES SACD player, possibly with a Chord DAC 64, Wilson Benesch ACT One speakers and Kimber Select cables. Plans are for a CD 12 at some point.

Many Thanks,

If you like the Klimax get an Adcom GFP-750 until the exchequer recovers. Then, listen again, you may not want to get rid of it. They're available under a grand here.
Are you close to a Pass dealer? Check out an X250 & an X series pre-amp. I don't think the Wilson Benesch speakers you have need more power than that. I've heard they're very well made but bass-shy. A local here in Phoenix tried the Linn Klimax monoblocs & the latest Rowland monoblocs - neither got those speakers to give the bass he wanted. You might want to add a musical sub like a REL or a Bag End..
If your system, is CD based, why not skip, the pre, altogether. There are passive attenuators available, that will let you control, the volume. This will allow you, to get the amp, you like best, and listen to the best pre amp, of all, no pre amp.
Hi Thsalmon - Danielk141 is right. The WB's don't require much more than 200 or 250 watts. They can be bass shy with low power amps but like I said, 200 - 250 solid state amps really drive the WB's to a level where a great majority of the bass is NOT an issue. Of course a REL would help no matter what.

I am curious to know how you are connecting your speaker cables. Tri-wire? jumpers? Factory plates?

I have used Electrocompaniet, PASS, Chord, McIntosh, Cary, Krell, Accuphase and Plinius with these speakers.. but my favorite thus far has been LAMM M1.1's.

In all honesty - the WB's are very neutral and while every amp has its unique character, a WB system seems to benefit more from a good preamp and cabling. I really hate to say but amps can be secondary to a fantastic TUBE preamp.

Ask around about Supratek Cortese or Syrah preamps.

The XA777ES is good - gets better with age and can be modified to have tube output and power supply - but I am sure you already know that. The CD12 would be the holy grail for your system and would be utterly magnificent with a Supratek Cortese, LAMM M1.1's and the cables of your choice... See you've gotta play with interconnects. KS is good but there might be better matches available as your system evolves.
Danielk141 has it right on the nose. I own Pass products and they are great. The 250 makes good speaker sound better.