All of this stuff is time consuming and presents many challanges to be overcome!
The more I've done, the more ambitious I get.
I'm presently extending amplifier cases so the power supply I think is good enough can fit - its a 250W mosfet monoblock that is having a 600VA (3" x 8") torrodial transformer, with 2 x 10,000 uF of Nichicon Great Supply caps per rail - untill I can afford another 2 per rail plus a 2,200 uF directly onto each of the 6 output devices - per amp of course!
Said amp already has high speed bridges, caddocks, black gates (for voltage gain stage) and better regulators also for the voltage gain stage - not to forget lots of damping materials on the chasis that is already there!
Of course, the chassis extension will need damping materials added as funds allow.....
Oh yes, as is my want they are fed mains by XLO ref. power cord, home terminated.
See? Hours of work!
The tool selection slowly grows - absorbing less than 10% of the money I would have spent on top end gear. Now I want an oscilloscope and a signal generator, so I can fool round with designing tube stuff - just for "fun"!
You don't want to know:
1) How long it takes to build a 6 conductor interconnect.
2) The language it sometimes provokes.
3) The ammount of tea coffee and occasionaly (after an ooopsie) beer involved.
4) The funny crude jigs I use as the extra seven pairs of hands!
But at the end of the day, somehow I call it "fun" - even my friends think it is fun, or did they say "funny"? How come they pat me on the head and look sad?