Return to Audio: What Products to Consider?

Hi, I'm getting back into audio and I'm curious what amplification products this forum would recommend. For criteria, here's what I would list; very good sound (of course), warm rather than analytical, but not muddy or bright, of good, long-lasting quality, from a manufacturer with integrity, costing a few grand or less (I don't always equate quality with price), to be used with classical, folk, world, bluegrass, jazz, electronica music. Mostly low-level listening, with some higher volume (those first few watts should really count) with CD source. I want something to be proud of for me, not for my ego. I want to escape into the music, not hear the equipment. What would you recommend here? Thank you!

I forgot to mention you would need another NAP 160 for the active arrangement. Still, it would be inexpensive, killer sound.

Happy listening,
I would definitely consider Ayre because new they are over $3K but you can find them here for just over $1K. I bought mine new and have done the upgrades. They are super quiet and have exactly the sound characteristics you are looking for. You can listen to it all day long.
I suspect Naim is overlooked cuz their stuff is ugly and appears to be mid-fi (I know better, just an observation though). many folks are anti-Linn for a few reasons. Ivor is an insufferable egotistical moron, and many Linn owners have drank the Koolaid and refuse to acknowledge there is anything else worth owning. The arrogance is turn-off. For what it's worth I would suggest you give YBA or BAT a listen, they tend to have a warmer sound. Solid state with a pseudo-tube presentation.
Another line of electronics that might appeal to you is McCormack. Every piece from the Micro units up through the big amps and pre-amps is a great value and has an understated look that's very attractive, at least to me. A used DNA-0.5 amp and TLC-1 pre-amp for a total of around $1,300 is tough to beat in solid state gear.
Depends on how old you are willing to consider going and how much you ultimately want to spend, but older Threshold and Conrad/Sonographe gear is very nice overall. I have a Sonographe SA 250 amp mated with an old Threshold FET 2 preamp and it works great with a total investment of about $900. Add to that a Sony ES CD player or the Rega mentioned above and you have a pretty solid front end.

The Sonographe was much smoother than the Adcom GFA 555 it replaced. There are also some great reviews out on the Adcom GFP 750 line pre amp but that piece alone will probably set you back $800 used.

Good luck,
