any decent amps 17" wide?

I am looking for an amp to fit into a cabinet that will only allow 17" wide equipment. I want something that sounds good as well...Thanks
Definitely consider the newest series of amplifier's from Bryston --the SST series. Order the 17" version. Available in Black or Silver face. The 3-B SST is 150 W/C that sounds more like a 250 W/C amp --which incidently it will deliver into a 4-ohm load. At approx. $1,500.00 US$, this newest SST series competes with some of the better/far more expensive amplifiers out there. Give it a listen. 20- year transferable warranty!

peter jasz
Different approach: Marantz makes a mono amp that's 3.5 inches wide. You could buy 4 of them and bi-amp.