First Sound please.

I am considering this preamp as a possible next purchase. This pre would replace my current BAT vk-50se which I have had for about 15 months.

I heard the Deluxe model at a dealer once and was amazed at the sound his system produced. But I was also unfamiliar with the other components I was hearing .

I am looking for a preamp, preferably balanced that can be powerful and full when called upon and also produce very fine detail and nuance with ease.

Personal reviews are really what I am looking for.

I really like my First Sound preamp and highly recommend it, however I have never heard the BAT vk-50se, there for I don't know how it would compare.
FYI. Make sure the FS's output is compatible with your amp. I wanted to audition one, but it's power output was too low to be very effective with my amp.
How does one make sure that amps and preamps mate well together. What specs should one look at.

All preamps output different voltages. Ask your amp manufacturer (or check your manual) to see if they specify certain maximum/minimum input voltages to work ideally with your amp. There could be an issue if your amp's input sensitivity is low and the preamp outputs low voltage. You will probably be able to listen to music at lower levels, but may not be able to take advantage of your amps power and listen at loud levels. You could turn the volume all the way up and it wouldn't be as loud as you'd like. The opposite is true too...a sensitive amp and high voltage outputs on a preamp could mean that you'll never be able to turn your volume control past the 9 O'clock point. It all comes down to listening preferences and convenience. If I remember correctly, the First Sound's output is on the low side. They would probably mate well with most amps, but my amp happens to be a low sensitivity design and the output of the First Sound was lower than my amp manufacturer's recommended input voltage. It may not be an issue for you at all, but I figured I'd mention it...just in case. That said...I was dying to audition one. They appear to be great tube preamps.