First Sound please.

I am considering this preamp as a possible next purchase. This pre would replace my current BAT vk-50se which I have had for about 15 months.

I heard the Deluxe model at a dealer once and was amazed at the sound his system produced. But I was also unfamiliar with the other components I was hearing .

I am looking for a preamp, preferably balanced that can be powerful and full when called upon and also produce very fine detail and nuance with ease.

Personal reviews are really what I am looking for.

I love mine. I have used it with a VAC Ren. 30/30 and now with a Berning ZH270. Low output has never been a problem in my system. If you are concerned, email Emmanuel at FS and ask him his opinion. He his a nice fellow and will be glad to help.

Good luck,
It's an amazing preamp - quiet, black background, nuanced, musical, powerful. No remote. I'm not familier with the BAT preamp but the FS MkII deluxe is the best I've personally tried in my home.
The Presence preamp circuit was designed by Paul Weitzel of Tube Research Labs for Emmanual Go, the owner of Presence.

The First Sound pre-amps are passive, no batteries required. Feel free to email me with questions.

Hope this helps,
We have a lot of wrong info flying around here! The recent FS preamps are not passive and do not use batteries. Early FS preamps were passive. I was thrilled when they offered the gain type series of preamps that we are discussing in this thread. Like the early passive units, these preamps are charachterized by their purist approach with superb parts and attenuators. Unlike the passive units they have an extrodinary power supply design and posess more energy storage capacity than most 200 watt power amps. There may be other preamps that are its' match for tonal balance, but I have not heard one that can match the FS's macro and micro dynamic capabilities....and I have heard many different preamps over the years. Soundstaging is state of the art as well. Be warned that the rest of your system must be right to get the full capabilities of the FS preamps. This is one of those rare components that you can build your system around. Enjoy the journey!