Tubelike solid state: Ayre Vs Aleph

Hello All,
Just for a change of pace, I sold off my tube amp and I've gone back to using my pass aleph 2 monoblocks in my main system. I am interested in trying out another 'tubelike' amplifier, but with greater power. I can get more than the volume level's I want, I just don't have the bass slam that I want.

Has anyone compared the aleph series to the ayre's ? I am considering the 200w/400w(4ohm) v-1x and possibly the k-1 pre w/integral phonostage. I use 4ohm audio physic avanti's with a hotrod scd-1, basis 2500, and aleph P preamp.

One of the great characteristics of the pass labs equipment is that I can listen at moderately low levels and still get tremendous detail. I have read that the v-1 does not really open up at low levels.

Has anyone compared these ?
I'm loving my Pass Labs Aleph 4 (same as the 2's but in the dual monaural format). I added a great subwoofer and love the combination. I heartily recommend that approach.
try the aleph 1.2--sweet midrange and trebble, imaging to die for and good ,not great bass thru my b&w 802's. power cords make a world of difference. i was spoiled by the bass of my old krell with these speakers[aleph's just don't have that tight slam like krell]. i enjoy rockn' roll, acoustic jazz and r&b with these speakers and the aleph's.
the aleph's are tops w/ acoustic music, human voices, chamber music and large scale classical and opera! a very good compromise for my taste. used alephs are priced right. i have not tried the ayre items. i can't listen to the krell, except for that super bass slam, nothing else particularlly work very well. BOB-my opinions on my system.
Try the lamm m2.1 mono I have replaced krell and cj monoblocks with these These are the best of both worlds
Harmonic integrity and control WITHOUt the hassels!!! Worth the asking price since nothing sounds better. execept very high end tube monos retailing over 20k. So look for 2ND HAND!
You might want to consider the Rowland Model 10. I preferred it to the Pass X150 and X350.
I've run tube amps and a Pass Labs X-150 on my Apogee ribbon speakers. The only difference I hear between the tube amp sound and the X-150 is the X-150 totally pulls the music away from the speakers. It provides the ultimate in transparency. I have heard a lot of Apogees being run on tubes and solid state including Conrad Johnson, Classe, Sonic Frontiers, Krell, Aragon, Acurus, Levinson, and Jadis. The only solid state I would settle for over tubes is Pass Labs.