
I am currently using a B&K pre. set for direct bypass. Would I find much of a difference using attenuators?

The attenuators would make bad recordings sounds worse and good recoedings sound better. I am using a DVP9000,Athem amp2,and Totem forest speakers.
If you're a purist, you owe it to yourself to hear attenuators directly connected to your amp. Separate attenuating components i.e. Creek, Mod Squad etc. are less good. They require an extra set of interconnects, which is most definetly not desired for the cleanest signal transfer.
I might consider selling the B&K in favor of a Placette or an FTAudio(no remote) passive preamp if your setup will work with a passive pre. I know you can try the Placette for 30 days risk-free(and maybe the FTAudio too), so it might be worth a try to see what kind of improvements you get. These units fall between active preamps and attenuators in terms of transparency, so I guess I'd think of them as a convenient compromise. My guess is the improvements will be substantial assuming your source puts out at least 2 volts and your amp isn't a bear to drive. Best of luck.
