help on tubes

howdy Audiogoners, i just got myself into tube of right now i dont think i would go back to SS again,therefore i need to learn about tubes so i can purchase the tubes replacement for my BAT vk60. my question there a website for me to read and learn about the differences of tubes ?or Can some 1 recomend to me what kind of tube is best for my Bat.i have no knowledge about those tubes on top of my amplifier at all..please help...
One of the very best sources of tube information is at They have a whole section devoted just to tubes. You can do a "search" for whatever you would like to learn. Many extremely knowledgeable and very nice people hang out there.
wholly Cow.. i did a search on this tube (6C33CB) on this classified and found that it cost 14$/tube..doesnt sound bad at all,but the original amp owner told me that it cost $160/each.. so,can some 1 help me to see which figure is correct? and where can i buy these russian tube in the U.S?is there a substitution version? and what kind of sacrafice do i take if i replace them with the substituion..thanks for helpping me out
Tube prices can vary widely depending on vintage.
Older Western-made tubes fetch the highest prices.
Chinese, Yugoslav, and Russian current production tubes are the cheapest.