Is there an integrated amp that can beat my...

Rowland 112 amp and synergy II preamp? The rest of my system consists of: Audio Physic Virgo III speakers, Sonic Frontiers Phono 1, Music Hall MMF-7, Rega Jupiter 2000 cd player and Synergistic Research cables throughout.
I would put money on the Tenor 75Wi, that is if you can handle a tube amps maintance. ~Tim
I would get the Synergy IIi upgrade and call it a day. You might find something you like better but is it worth it? Is there something you don't like about your current Rowland gear? If so I wouldn't go with the Rowland intergrated, if not why change? I once owned a Synergy II with the battery supply and that was amazing. I put that combo in my "wish I still had it box".