40 watt tube integrated enough for vandy 2's?

does the jolida 202 have enough power to match the low sensitivity of the 2ce's? Does the fact that it is a tube amp give it somewhat of an upper hand when it comes to it's numerical shortcommings in terms of power? I want tube, but don't want to spend more than 600-700 (for used). Is the 303 (50wpc...i think) a better way to go?
Originally used a Quicksilver GLA (signature) & mved up to M60's. Sound improved but the GLA di dirve the 2's nicely...
From personal experience, my set-up years ago was 2ci w/ the
ARC Classic 30~Classic 60 The 30 ran hot,hot,hot and the
volume knob on my ARC LS2B MkII was at 11-12:00o'clock, too
high for my liking (my room was about 17x20ft) at normal
listening levels. With the Classic 60, music just flowed.
I'm not too familiar with jolida amps and their respective
power ratings, however, I would suggest you go with minimum
50 tube watts or 40 watts s/s...Great speakers at a great $
I forgot to add- my 120wpc Macintosh MC 2120 amp (solid state) really sounds the most exciting but didn't have the smoothness of either Quicksilvers.
SDcampbell is 100% correct.i used to own the Vandy 3A.even my adcom 555($450 SSamp) sound better then my KR($3000 tube amp).if you must have tube,i think try to get something with at least 100W..hope this help
With my Vandy 2ce Sig.s I'm using the MF A300 integrated which sounds great at moderate to high volume.However since this is an apt.,I needed a low volume solution which was Y-connectors out of the MF A3 cd player into a Antique sound lab MGSI 15DT integrated into Triangle Titus speakers. This feels like agreat start until i learn more. John