Tube pre to use with Bryston 4BST

Hello Good People -

I am using a BP-25 with my 4BST to power a set of ML SL3's. I love my Brystons but on certain classical & jazz recordings the sound is a little too much 'in my face' to suit my taste.
So - A tube preamp may be in the cards. Any suggestions as to what might take the 'edge' off the 4BST?
BAT has been recommended along with Blue Circle... One caveat, however. I have everything tied together with balanced (XLR) interconnects (including my primary source, a Krell KAV-300) and I do not want to have to invest in RCA cables for the sake of a pre that doesn't have balanced inputs/outputs.
I haven't an unlimited budget - maybe 2500-3000 bucks new or used.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

i am using a conrad johnson pv-11 with my 4b with great
result,any conrad johnson preamp will do an excelent job
A tube pre might do it, but check your CD player. I auditioned this player and thought it was too bright sounding.
I frankly doubt BAT's or Sonic Frontiers pre's (some of the few w/XLR connectors) would take away the edge you're hearing.
The Bryston is a neutral piece.
Have you considered trying a pair of different IC's
I have a kav 300 and use mit 330 cvt's with it and i hardly find it bright or harsh... If you get into a tube preamp, you will need to find a set of tubes as well that suits your needs sonically... I have an arc ls7 with my analog system that I have had 3 different sets of tubes in and it sounds different each time...
Try the IC's first, then look for a preamp...
Good luck,