Mixing SS and Tubes

I'm thinking about getting into tubes and have read threads about mixing SS amps with tube preamps. What about the other way around? Are there any advantages (or disadvantages) with mixing a ss preamp with a tube amp? I currently have a MAC MA6450 which I was thinking of using for the preamp side and then getting a reasonable tube amp to play around with. If this is worthwhile, any suggestions for the tube amp (< $1000) would be appreciated.

I did have a all tube rig(LS-7,Anthem amp1) but found the bass somewhat lacking. It may have been a mismatch of components. I now have a AE-3(cary) and a Audible Illusions pwr amp(yes they did make a ss amp). Very fine sound these two make. Elevick makes a good point in reference to the tube rolling.
Here is my 2 cents... I'm running a Conrad Johnson PF-R SS preamp with Conrad Johnson MV-55 tube amp and the sound is just beautiful.

I have just bought a AES AE-3 to compliment the Bryston 4bst, and what a dramatic difference a tube preamp made on my system.WOW....its as if I purchased a new system; and to think that this can only get better by tube rolling!
Yes Kek23 the AE-3 is quite the pre to be. How do they do it? Sylvania 6sn7wgt's are the tubes to use. Tungsols should be considered also. Happy rolling!
I presently use the ss H-Cat with Exemplar 2A3 parafeed tube amps. This is the best sound I have ever had. I have often used ss preamps with tube amps, because I have never heard a ss amp I could listen to for very long, this includes Levinsons, Krells, BELs, Classes, Mirror Images, Brystons, and Parasounds.

Using ss amps with tube preamps is troublesome because of the high output impedance of tube preamps and the low input impedance of the ss amps.