Mixing SS and Tubes

I'm thinking about getting into tubes and have read threads about mixing SS amps with tube preamps. What about the other way around? Are there any advantages (or disadvantages) with mixing a ss preamp with a tube amp? I currently have a MAC MA6450 which I was thinking of using for the preamp side and then getting a reasonable tube amp to play around with. If this is worthwhile, any suggestions for the tube amp (< $1000) would be appreciated.

I presently use the ss H-Cat with Exemplar 2A3 parafeed tube amps. This is the best sound I have ever had. I have often used ss preamps with tube amps, because I have never heard a ss amp I could listen to for very long, this includes Levinsons, Krells, BELs, Classes, Mirror Images, Brystons, and Parasounds.

Using ss amps with tube preamps is troublesome because of the high output impedance of tube preamps and the low input impedance of the ss amps.
I can't help but think your speakers will have a lot to do with your ultimate success. Using tube amps tends to be the more expensive alternative.
Please explain your first statement. I agree with your second statement, but suspect I do not with your first.
Tbg, I'm not sure if your question was addressed to me or not. Many speakers have impedance loads or power requirements that are challenging to many tube amplifiers. I agree with you that the impedance matching of tubes to solid state can be an issue, but there are some fairly low out put impedance tube pre-amps (Sonic Frontiers Line 3, etc.) and some fairly high input impedance solid state amps (Electrocompaniet, McCormack, C-J, etc.) to work with.
Yes, I was responding to your comment about "speakers will have a lot to do with your ultimate success." It is certainly true that some very low impedance speakers could cause problems for tube amps and for ss if there is a thermo runaway possibility.

I think the old wisdom that you could not have tube preamps run ss amps is out of date. I suspect the old wisdom to the effect that some "tubes" in the mix will help your sound.