A better matched amp for my Totem Speakers?

I currently have a Forte 1A (50 WPC ClassA) power amp and a McIntosh C26 PreAmp driving Totem model 1 speakers. The sound is good, but I think I can get more out of these speakers. My first thought is to upgrade the power amp. I'm thinking along the lines of a Mac, Aragon, Classe. The good people at Totem recommend Plinius, which is probably out of my price range.

I listen to Jazz, "New Age" and classical, primarily. Though I've been listening to music for years, I'm a bit of a neophyte when it comes to higher end electronics. As with many folks, my local options are limited, so it's hard to "just take it home and listen to it." Thanks for any suggestions.
Thanks for the good suggestions! I'm trying to stay in the 1,000-1,300 price range for power amp (used, most likely) assuming I stay with the mac C-26 pre amp. Then again, this will likely prove a more intelligent "investment" than the stock market.
i use vtl MB100 that I bought used for 1200 to drive totem forest speakers...
i was also auditioning them with pathos twin towers that have only 35W/ch and it was also great.
totem speakers despite their lack of efficiency can be driven with less power as well pretty successful. they have relatively stable impedance that is friendly for the tubes. they also have a bullet-proof drivers that can rock upto 120dB.
they might benefit for extra power but you should also weigh the quality as well.
totem people demoed model 1sig with plinius 8200mk2. this integrated amp is also worth paying attention since you kind-of "buy one and get one free"(it even has a phono!)
Totem are not the most efficient? Maybe you need more power, not just a new amp.
Bryston 3-B SST series you'll love. Classe, try at least the CA-201 for a bit more money.

peter jasz
I bought a Anthem amp 2 special edition from upscale audio. The Forest speakers sound very nice with this setup.
The Anthem has a tubed input and new is selling for about 45% off. Anthem is going multi.channel only.