A better matched amp for my Totem Speakers?

I currently have a Forte 1A (50 WPC ClassA) power amp and a McIntosh C26 PreAmp driving Totem model 1 speakers. The sound is good, but I think I can get more out of these speakers. My first thought is to upgrade the power amp. I'm thinking along the lines of a Mac, Aragon, Classe. The good people at Totem recommend Plinius, which is probably out of my price range.

I listen to Jazz, "New Age" and classical, primarily. Though I've been listening to music for years, I'm a bit of a neophyte when it comes to higher end electronics. As with many folks, my local options are limited, so it's hard to "just take it home and listen to it." Thanks for any suggestions.
More great ideas. Plinius: hmmm, very interesting. Any thoughts about Antique Sound (at the risk of getting into the tube vs SS thing.) Thanx again.
Im using the Bryston 4bst and a AES AE-3 tube preamp and the combination is perfect. The Bryston has power, speed, and a killer lowend that makes this a beautiful piece of equipment. With a twenty year transferable warranty on top of that!
I bought mine new up in Canada for $1900 US dollars....but you can pick one up for $1200-1400 used and wont have to go through the long process of breaking this amp in. A tube preamp should be your first thoughts with this Bryston.

I would go with a used McIntosh 7100 for cheap or McIntosh MC150 but the latter will be tough to find - no one wants to let them go. If you want a change from Mc, try the classe 150 or CJ 2250. I have listened to the Bryston 4B a lot but find that it is missing a little magic that the others mentioned seem to convey very well. See what you think. Arthur