Where to find info on the acclaimed parasound JC-1

I read a lot about this amp and am told it is amazing, I am looking for something to power my Maggie 3.6's and this seems like an option worth looking into. Any place I can find info online about it?? Any one hear it yet and if so what are your thoughts??
Bob, Thanks for kicking me back into reality. Obviously, you are right and I don't know how i managed that one. Only thing that i can think of is that i actually did some manual labor out in the sun all day, so both my body and brain are fried : ) Sean
FYI, Crump owned and used my Symphony No.1 Amp for at least a decade in his system. Also Silver Lightning interconnects too. Then he decided to start his own thing, and hooked up with Curl.

He didn't sell the Symphony No.1 amp right away... his cat Stan apparently liked it too. :- )
Randy, Curl sent me his HCA-3500 for a rework and it took almost six months and a couple hundred parts before it was competitive with the Symphony No. 1......Hard to take a Chevy and turn it into a Porsche....That old BEAR is still the standard for midrange reproduction here....Same goes for the Silver Lightning interconnects and still use your bulk wire in our CTC products it should be noted.....Stan the cat was really upset when the BEAR went away as the 44 degrees was prefect basking temperature and the modified Parasound ran at 55 degrees.....He likes the new JC-1s as they run at just under 50 degrees......
Bob, As long as *STAN* likes it, I'm good with it!!

I'm looking forward to Stan's review... two paws up?

Meow, meow!!
BEAR, see http://img.audioasylum.com/cgi/i.pl?u=users/6024&f=p8280004.jpg and you can have a look at Stan and the JC-1s....