4 ohm speakers with tube amps?

I'm considering the Seas Thor design, a MTM speaker at 4 ohms. I have a Jadis intergrated, doable?
Yes the Jadis page does say somthing about the fact that even though tube amps are "known" for the problem driving low impedence speakers, not so with their amp design. Though i don't expect the output to be the same as with 6 to 8 ohm speakers. Always a trade off somewhere in audio, i definetly want the Thor MTM W18+T25 speaker, even if it meant the parting with the Jadis sound.
Just took a closer look at the amp, on top of the gold colored plate on the output transformer, 0-4-8, so like the Jadis page said, engineered for any speaker load. Which makes me even more impressed with this amp.
I have used tubed amps on 4-ohm speakers for some time now, so it can be done with satisfactory results. Can't speak for your combination directly, though.
4 ohm taps do Not Necessarliy equate to 4 ohm drive capability. My 27W EL34 monos are more relaxed and xparent on the 8 ohm taps. Course, like Z says, it all depends on the spkr. ymwillv...