Is a offer of -20 percent on an OBO ad insulting?

I made a offer 20% below the sellers asking price on a Krell last night. The seller emailed that I shouldn't waste his time with such a ridiculous offer and that he was blocking me from his email list. Was I out of line?
As a frequent seller and buyer here I agree with the posters that asking 20% off a OBO is probably low but with in reason. I always acknowledge all offers as a courtesy and if the price is lower than I will accept I ask for a counter offer or give them my bottom line selling price. I avoid ads that state low ballers will be ignored(what is a low offer to the seller may not be one to the buyer) and ads that say don't ask me again about condition ect. If the seller states the price is firm and I want to purchase this item I pay the asking price, if the price is a little on the high side I may ask to include the shipping or even split it.
To Moto: Sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience with your offer. As mentioned, the seller may have a thin skin or he may have his item fairly priced and is looking to get an offer close to his asking price. As with many of the others Audiogon members in this thread, I've bought and sold a number of items here and had few problems. When I get a really low offer, I usually just send a simple "Thanks but no thanks - your offer is WAY too low to consider" and move on. Hope this bad experience does not change your opinions about Audiogon. There are some really great people who both buy and sell on this site - and as noted, unlike E-Bay by exchanging e-mails and phone calls you get to know the folks you are dealing with. Good listening! Dave
Whenever you place an ad to sell an item you should not be suprised when you receive low offers. A simple courtesy e-mail is all the response that is required. I have sold a couple of houses thru realators as well as one on my own and received offers that I considered low. These offers required formal responses by me which took significantly more time than an e-mail. The people making the offer maybe doing so for various reason. However, as one person above stated; this is business and as such we need to understand that and not take it personnel.
What is OBO except an invitation for low offers? An offer of 80% of full price does not deserve rudeness. The buyer may well have gone to 90% or even 100% with a little bargaining.
20% under is not an insult. I listed some speakers a long time ago and got offers at 50-60% with "advice" that I was way overpriced. Those were insults. I kept the speakers, sold them years later for little less than I had paid for them, and recently saw them on Ebay (yes I recognized them from the picture and serial number) for even more. I listed a sub and got offers 20% under, those were not insults. But I kept and still use the sub in my second system. An insult is an insult. 20% under if the seller says "obo" is not an insult