Stereo amp to drive one center channel speaker?

I'm venturing into surround sound & I have all this equipment laying around. I have a two channel counterpoint amp that I would like to use to drive one speaker.

How do I hook it up?
Any danger of blowing up either the speaker or the amp.
If I use both channels will the impence change & affect the sound?
I use an aragon 8002 for my center channel amp..
It is fed via y connector at the amp end from the center output of the processor... both channels are utilized and
in essence, I am bi-amping my center channel... My center channel, or course allows for bi wire or bi amping...
Good Luck,
I,like several others "did" the bi-wire/amp.I did this with 5/6 different processors--over 8/9 years.I once had the Fosgate 3a--it had 2 center ch.outs.

I now have a Meridian 565 and for some reason it"hates" to drive a Y. So, I now use just the only bi-wire my AerialCC3. Truth be known,it sounds the same with just 1/2 a stereo amp.
Most modern amps can be played without a speaker connected. But some amps require a load or damage can occur. This is especially true for tube amps. You can put an 8ohn resistor across the unused speaker terminals if you are not sure.
i have the fosgate 4125 and it is bidge-able it shows the diagram on the back to bridge it,so all amps dont have to have a switch to make it bridge-able,if it dont have a switch or a diagram telling you how to bridge it,than i would say it is not bridge-able
but if it is bridge-able like me mine is and i used 1 of the bridged channels to run my mtx center speaker in briged mode i run the positive with the positive and negitive to the negitive of 1 of the speakers and it seems to work fine