A tubes vs. Solid State question.

I have followed several of the threads regarding the tubes vs Solid State debate and I am puzzled by the dogmatism of this issue. I have several friends here on AudiogoN who are avid tube lovers so my question is obviously an attack on this stand, but do tube lovers think people with solid state equipment are deaf or is it that they have never heard tubes.
I have owned tube equipment and was fairly content with it but I have since changed to all SS gear. I am much happier with my system now that I have ever been before. Dare I say it? Yes I like SS amps, pre-amps, and phono stages! Does that damage my credibility or was it already gone? Maybe I'm wrong but I get the impression tube people think if we SS people ever heard tubes we would trash all of our gear and run to the nearest glowing orange light to buy all new equipment. Am I off the mark?
If the amplifier is push-pull, then such harmonics can be cancelled in the output. This is how transistors do it too. Single-ended triode amplifiers thus have much more even-ordered harmonic coloration, which is the source of their (IMO) overly-rich (fat) sound.

It has been shown that humans object more strenuously to odd-orders than they do even-orders- this has to do with the way the human ear has evolved over millions of years and I for one have decided that it is not worth it to fight this reality :)

So if a tube amplifier is properly built its even-ordered harmonic generation can be quite low (and how low depends on feedback or other design characteristics, which is how transistor amps get their low distortion numbers too, BTW). It is a simple fact that tube amplifiers make less distortion (open loop) than transistors to begin with and so need less or even zero feedback. This means that a tube amplifier can be built in such a way that it lacks coloration wheras this is nearly impossible with the current state of the art in transistors.

Unfortunately there are many tube amplifier products that are actually designed to produce even-ordered harmonic colorations, but again IMO these amplifiers have more in common with musical instruments than they do with musical reproducers.

Just because I prefer tubes does not mean that I am not aware of their weaknesses :)
LOL, tube gear does a few things very well, ask any musician whom requires distortion, or, an on the stage heat sorce for what ever reason a roadie determines.

Seriously, I have had VTL, and CJ and I was only impressed with two areas, one being the "cool' factor, and the other being with concern to the female voice. Problem is, SS does all the above equally as well, and often times better, with NO maintence, and a considerably less expensive buget (considering WPC). Now if with were to compare the best of the best I believe SS would win this contest w/o any problems what so ever. After all the Holocrons and Krells prove SS is truely king.
Well, I think that one should go with gusto after the sound that pleases them the most. I must say that I'm of the "Use a Transistor, Go to Jail" dogma (Thank you, Upscale Audio!"). I've never heard an SACD player that can outperform a good vinyl rig, and I've never heard a solid state amp that can outperform tubes. But, hey, that's just me. I love that particular sound. It makes me all warm inside. Also, I have to say that I haven't heard the absolute best of the solid state gear (I've heard the best SACD players; they don't match up to vinyl. I don't care what anyone else says). But, I know that some companies, and I wouldn't count Krell among them, are excelling in solid state performance. Theta, Halcro, Jeff Rowland, etc... I would like to hear their products in my home (but then I'd have to GO TO JAIL!!!).

Cheers, and enjoy the music, for cry-eye...

It surprises me that at this late date, this debate can still go on.

I remember in an analog/digital debate years ago someone mentioning warped records as a reason to throw out all analog forever. It was a sideline comment- obviously just because a few records are warped does not mean that all of them are. We face a similar issue in this debate as well.

IOW this begs the question: 'Have you heard the very best tube amplifier compared to the very best transistor amplifier?"

Once we get to this point all bets are off. The correct answer to the above question for everyone here is: 'No.'

First, one would have to determine what is the best tube amplifier and also the best transistor amplifier in order to effect the comparison to begin with. That will take a few years at the rate we are going. I know our amplifiers are the best available at any price, and having heard the best transistor amps (mentioned in this thread at least) its obvious that they have a ways to go before that can beat what we make.

Of course I am sure that there are those who disagree! But they've not heard our latest efforts either...

I think you will find that any designer worth his salt is convinced that their way is the best. Most designers I know are *extremely* dedicated and do this out of passion and the desire to make the best, rather than money, and that is how it should be.

When the product gets marketed, the ad says its the best, as will the dealer- they can't all be best! This has been going on for 40 years... So the only real way to know what is the best is to take it home and play it. Obviously it might work for you, but the simple fact of the matter is no-one has the resources to actually find out which the best is- and this is essential if we are to determine which is better- tube or transistor.

In the meantime this. Is. All. Opinion :)
Absolutely. Atmasphere said it right. I won't use a transistor, but that doesn't make my way right. It just makes me happy.
I just hope everyone out there can find the gear that gives them goosebumps and makes them forget about the gear and just drown in the music.
