InfiniCaps in Audio Research gear

Who out there has tried InfiniCaps in older ARC designs or had ARC mod your unit with these caps . I am just wondering what others have felt about the results. I have an SP9, which was discontinued before InfiniCaps were used by ARC. I am very pleased myself with the results after swithching out several WonderCaps for the InfiniCaps. Anyone else try this. What did you think when you were done? What unit did you try it with?
My next step is to attempt to put an IEC connector on it and plug in a better power cord.
Maxgain, my experience is not exactly applicable as it was not a test on Audio Research, but may help you.

When Counterpoint was still in business I owned the Elliott Magnum Opus Phono, an evolved version of the Counterpoint SA9. It came from the factory with the older WonderCaps with the white wrapper.

I was offered the chance to do a little experimentation for them and returned the unit three times for cap upgrades.

End result was that the newest InfiniCaps (the ones that have the rough textured surface near the lead exit), was by far the best sound.

When Aesthetix was experimenting with caps I mentioned the InfiniCap to Jim White and after experimenting this was the cap chosen for the Signature version of the Io and Callisto.

This cap and the other Aesthetix upgrades are responsible for my moving out of my old Io (and soon), my Callisto, to purchase the Signature versions.

Perhaps you already know this, but this is another Peter Moncrief design, like the TRT Wonder solder. I consider it one of the finest caps in use in high end audio.
Thanks Albert, I have always thought that of anyone out there reviewing audio, I have tended to agree with Peter Moncrief more often than not.

I was aware that this cap is his creation, which seems to follow my patern. I am thrilled with the sound of the 9(not mkII or III) with these caps installed. I did it about 4 years ago and may take it a bit further at some point. A friend has a Mk III(which uses the MultiCap) version that I will at some point compare mine to just a benchmark.

There must be more of you out there that have done some upgrades or experimentation. Anyone put them in an SP15?, an LS7? a Classic 60? VT60???
Hello, I have an SP 9 MKIII modified by Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound. The difference between the stock version and mine is night and day. He did all the mods available to mine and I'm embarassed to say that I didn't bother to find out the names of all the parts.I suggest that you go to his web site and there you will be able to contact him and get the truth about how a SP 9 can sound and what it takes. He also did mods on my Music Reference RM 9 MK II. Now I can listen to music and forget about the system almost. I say almost because I love the hobby and want to stay abreast of whats out there. Thanks audiogon.
I have the ls 7 with the infinicap upgrade.. I switched from another ls7 for 2 reasons,, the caps and the silver face i wanted. The sound is much more 3 dimensional and the bottom end became much more accurate..
I have yet to switch the pc on the unit yet... but it is in the works..
The ARC gear works well with the infinicaps...
I also upgraded the tubes to a set of 1970 sovteks from upscale audio..
again, a wonderful upgrade.
I love the preamp..
Par3n1, thanks. The web site says very little but I understand the Steve does great work. Please tell me, if you are able or willing, every think you can about what was done and If I may ask what it cost? I love the sound of mine now but am sure that there is more I can get from it. The sound with the InfiniCaps is more realistic in many ways. But as I mentioned there is still the matter of the stock fixed power cord for starters. I have liked the sound of the CPCC units and can envision what that may do for the system.