InfiniCaps in Audio Research gear

Who out there has tried InfiniCaps in older ARC designs or had ARC mod your unit with these caps . I am just wondering what others have felt about the results. I have an SP9, which was discontinued before InfiniCaps were used by ARC. I am very pleased myself with the results after swithching out several WonderCaps for the InfiniCaps. Anyone else try this. What did you think when you were done? What unit did you try it with?
My next step is to attempt to put an IEC connector on it and plug in a better power cord.
Hi everyone, With all the good press I'm reading on the Infini Caps would someone steer me in the direction on purchasing them. I went to a link via stereophile but alas no connection. I plan on upgrading my AE-3 from the stock kimbers. Thanks to all.
South43,, they seem like good guys, but before you buy InfiniCaps check into the new and said to be improved DynamiCap also made by TRT. parts conneXion carries both. You can get 25% off on the InfiniCaps right now which will save you some cash, but if the DynamiCap is even better I would love to hear them in some of my gear.
Thanks Max, I usally get email from them once and awhile. I check them out to see what's hot. Thanks again
I have the Infinicaps mod in my VT130 and it seems to be faster and more transparent. I would never sell mine.