Amp Power: Tubes vs Solid State

Does anyone have a handle on the relative power equivalance
between tube and solid state amps...i believe that a lower powered rated tube amp is capable of driving a difficult load better vs a simliar powered solid there a rule of thumb that allows a relative comparison?
I have been told a similar relationship that Tpsonic mentions; 2 to 1 generally speaking. I had a CJ Premier 11 a 70 wpc tube amp driving a pair of Thiel 3.6's and it did a very good job. Much better than I anticipated or would have excepted given the difficult load Thiels can represent to an amp. As I found for more info and thinking of my experience the 2 to 1 sounds reasonable.
Technically speaking a Watt is a unit of measure of power, as such a Watt is a Watt. The fact that tubes clip more gracefully is similar to a stone rolling (tube Watts) down a hill (point of overload and subsequent distortion) as oppossed to a stone falling (solid state Watts) off a cliff (point of overload and subsequent distortion). Of course you can avoid frequenting the point of overload with more Watts.
Another possible factor for the phenomenon noted above is that tubes are run at much higher voltages than transistors, and therefore don't require as whomping a power supply, in addition to the fact that they don't need to utilize massive heat-sinking, traits which may endow them with more graceful performance under duress when comparing smaller, lower-powered choices built to a moderate price point.