What SS amp do you use with your SF Line 3?

I tried everything from Pass X-350 to Rowland 8TiHC, but none of them sounded good with my SF Line 3SE. I know impedance matching is critical when mating tube pre with SS power, but SF Line 3 has very low output impedance and should be easy on amp choices. I was getting thin midrange and flat sound, not very musical at all regardless the speakers I hook them up to. In comparison to ARC LS-15 which I used to own, it always sounded musical regardless what amp I used and ARC had much higher output impedance!

So short of getting a SF power amp which will guarantee matching, what do you guys use? My speakers are Sonus Faber Amati Homage which will need some power to drive, but will sound fine if tube amp is able to handle 4 ohm load. I don't play loud and I listen to mainly classical and jazz, so absolute bass control is not as critical. I will prefer SS over tube because of room arrangement, I also do not want my kids to get burned. Last thing is I much prefer having XLR input so I can continue using my AQ Diamond interconnect.


Fpeel, Sovtek 6922 tubes are currently in production. NOS equivalents may end its existance someday or more fake versions will appear within the time.

For every tube that is currently in production there can be the right place. 6922 is great for the low-input signals such as TT cartridge level and/or as a buffered input for the preamp. 6922 is not a good choice for the preamp output. NOS equivalents might sound "less tubey" but face the fact that if 6922 is tizzy-sounding why bother with 6922 design when you can use different tubes???

What tubes can you use in place of the 6922? I have a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 and am always interested in trying different configs. Thanks.

I am not familiar with Sonic Frontiers equipment but many reviewers were satisfied using simple tube dampers that might do the trick without spending $$$ on NOS that i repeat some day will be gone.
Marakanetz, don't get me wrong. My main interest was in passing on my first hand experience with a component from the same line as Semi's, not to get into a debate about design philosophies or the drying up of the NOS tube supply. The former is outside the scope of my limited knowledge and the latter is pretty much a given.

You have raised my curiosity about tube dampers. Are there specific ones you recommend? They might be a nice addition to my NOS tubes... ;-)

Mdomnick, follow this link for more information on the 6DJ8/6922/7308 family of tubes. It's the best articel I've yet to find. http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/scripts/d.pl?audio/faq/joes-tubes.html
the tube dampers are pretty often posted here and called hal-o.
i saw them used almost in any tube amp/preamp on last NYH home-entertainment show.