Help Amp Repair: California

I recently acquired a couple of Audio Research Classic 120 Monoblock Amplifiers that have been in storage for about five years. I'm looking for a trustworthy repair shop or technician that could fire up the amps under controlled conditions and make any neccessary repairs. I live on the Coast of California midway between San Francisco and Los Angeles and could travel to drop off the amps. Ideally, I'd like to establish an ongoing relationship with a good technician. The good one in my area (Monterey) moved. I have all tube equipment in my two systems (Cary and VTL amps, Musical Fidelity NuVista and Counterpoint prereamps). I would be great to be able to access the services of a good audio tech when needed . Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Your suggestions are greatly apprecialted. I've made a couple of phone calls. Its good to have options that I didn't have before. Any other toughts are welcome! Thanks all, ered66.
This may actually qualify for a seperate thread,but I have 5 pieces that need repair. Living in CA, I'm reading this thread with much attention and want to thank all the contributors as well.
It seems like you already have a number of good options, but I will add 2 more:

Musical Fidelity (Gary Garfield)
5183 Overland Ave.
Culver City, CA 90230
310-558-0038 fax
repair / restoration / modification

also in the LA area:

Marc McMinn
service & repair / very familiar with ARC gear

best regards,

Steve McCormack
Mike Zuccaro
San Diego Cal.
Write, Mike Zuccaro and he is considered one of the absolute best in the U.S. and he is in CA .
you all recommend Nick. However, I called him three times to ask for repairing three out-of-warranty gears. He always insisted taking them to authorized dealers. Dealers will charge ridiculously high. I take that as he is reluctant to offer help and not telling why he is unable to help.