Class A amplifier choice, need suggestions

What is your favorite class A amp and why? There are many here on Audiogon... Levinson, Krell, Pass Labs, Plinius and an occaisional Accuphase A50V. I am driving Proac Response 3.8s (88dB efficiency). I recently auditioned a Pass Aleph 5 and was stunned by the presentation at only 60wpc.

Your input is much appreciated!
For solid state amps you really can't go wrong with the Pass Aleph series. I have Aleph 1.2 monoblocks and think they are fantastic. I have a friend with Pro-Ac speakers and he drives them with tubes and they sound great even though the amp is class A/B push-pull. You may not want to limit yourself to pure class A amplification.
Once again, I think we may have some semantic confusion going on here between class "A" amplifier bias operation, and Stereophile's 'Class A' of their Recommended Components listing.
Zaik correct: the PS Audio is not biased class A at all; its digital PWM output is, if anything, biased toward class C (which is actually not biased at all, but at cutoff).
In the class A catagory - I love my Accuphase; my Ayre amp isn't half bad either.
I love Levinson stuff, but recently demoed and bought harmonic precision amps from star sound tech. These are 110 wpc into 8 ohms and over 97% efficient. Almost no heat. Unbelievable sound and incredibly dynamic. I am driving revel studios with these which I previously drove with 250 wpc levinson amps. I thought they couldn't be as robust as the MLs and when I first got got them thought they were muddy slugs. However after about 300 hour burn in it was a revelation. These things have opened up so much it is hard to describe. They get better on each listen,truly warm and dynamic. I really thought I was listening to tube amps. Someone who is respected in the business ought to evaluate these amps. I have heard and used a lot but these are remarkable.