Opinions on why this system is uninvolving

I have just upgraded my system in a number of ways from Snell Type A/IIs to Revel Studios; from Audible Illusions Modulus 2 to Hovland HP-1; and from the earliest EADs to Metronome Technology DAC and transport. I find the system uninvolving much of the time. I also find it lacking in dimensionality, find it sometimes hard sounding and I notice image wander. Here's the whole system:

Revel Studios
Hovland HP-1
MFA 200C mono amps
Metronome DAC and Transport
Shunyata Hydra on amps
Power Wedge I on other components
Various high end cords incl. Top Gun, Shunyata Mamba and EMI whales
Tara Prime (or perhaps 1800) speaker cables (bi-wiring)
Audioquest Ruby interconnects between amps and pre amp (about 30-foot run)
Hovland interconnct between DAC and preamp
Siecor optical AT&T between DAC and transport

Any thoughts on how to arrest these problems would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking about trying solid state amps like the Pass 250 or 350, the McCormack DNA line, Proceed or Rowland, but I'm not really sure that will make a sginficiant difference. I know it could change the sound signficantly, but not necessrily for the better (which I realize is completely subjective anyway).
Tom, Not sure if I agree wholeheartedly with the SME reputation you speak of. I usually associate the term analytical to mean excessive detail and I don't think that's the case with the SME20.

I wouldn't call the SME "overly dry" either. So, what do you mean by "overly dry"?? The SME20 has NO grain. Do you perhaps mean dry in the context that it's bass is lean or overdampened? Or do you mean it has a short reverberation time? In any case, the SME20 doesn't seem to exhibit any of those reputed qualities - except perhaps for the bass being ever-so-slightly lean but not enough to consider the table dry.

Like I said earlier, the SME20 is neutral. The table plays the facts accurately and with precision (that does not mean analytical) - nothing seems to be accentuated at all. The table exhibits a neutral tone, or an absence of added color.

That said, I would agree there are more "musical" toe-tapping - lets get up and boogie - type tables around and I think the Linn is a pretty good representation of that type of table.

Perhaps that Teres project of mine will introduce me to a new flavor - that of a completely unsuspended, high mass table. Interesting. Perhaps musical and refined? Hmmm...

Remember, you've got a guy here who "used" to be a digital maniac and gave it all up as soon as he heard analog. After that moment, I couldn't bare to listen to any CDs whatsoever, sold my digital & I became an analog fanatic.

So... I'm sorry for mentioning that digital BiDat thingy - I certainly don't want to scare any of the other analog fanatics on Audiogon. :)
Bryan, I know you are an analog lover. That is why I am trying to make suggestions. I do believe that you can find a table to your liking that will be at a higher level. There is something out there that will "float your boat" in all the respects you desire. Of course, I can't tell you what it is, because you have to find the one you like. I'm only trying to point out some possible directions to look in.
Hi Tom, I've listened to numerous tables at local dealers and have always been disappointed -- mostly because of the dealers poor room/system, etc. So I never comment on those experiences publicly.

I have only had the SME20, Linn, Oracle at my personal disposal which is why I only comment on those tables.

I've often considered borrowing tables from the dealer but.. as much of an analog fanatic as I am, I still do not feel confident with all the set-up required for various table/arm/cartridge combos.

I guess I'll have to take your advice, bite the bullet and get a Teres or finish my at least one of my projects. It will be very interesting to hear what it does that the Linn / SME doesn't do -- or does too much of.

To simplify what I said about the BiDat, it has opened a door where now, I can honestly say there are many recordings which will sound better on digital vs. analog whreas prior to the Bidat, I felt that nothing sounded better in digital - except certain classical pieces.

Regardless of which table I end up with, having digital which performs somewhere in-between the SME and the Linn(its like the SME with life, and the Linn with precision) is truly remarkable for a $600 device.
Bwhite...a six month old echo can be heard. Do you hear it?

Teres 265, teres, teres...

Koetsu Urushi, urushi, urushi...

yes sir... I hear it! :) and it sounds better than it did 6 months ago. I'm getting there... Don't worry...