Krell and CJ?

Anyone tried this combination? Considering a Krell to drive Thiel 3.6's with a CJ premier 14, MIT cabling. Currently using classe ca200, looking for more power, bass control. Thanks.
I have not heard the Krell / CJ combo you are asking about. I have heard CJ/Levinson and CJ/Pass and the combination was very good in both cases. It would depend on what Krell amp and what speakers you are talking about. Krell can be rather harsh and sterile depending on what you are driving. The CJ tubed pre should smooth out the Krell amp but again it depends on what you are driving. I have no experience with MIT cables.

Thanks Chuck, I know your a CJ man, me too, I really like the premier 14 and want to keep it in the system. I have heard Krell amps in showrooms only, some I liked, some I was run out of the room. But, I heard the 600FBP and it was pretty spectacular in terms of presence, imaging, and impact driving Proac 3.5's. I will be driving Thiel 3.6's. The classe does a nice job, it is a powerhouse but I feel more power would really make them jump. Thanks for the response - come on Krell owners, I'm an MIT guy and Krell on this site is almost as controversial - help me out!
Funny you ask because a friend has a CJ PV10 and got a great deal on a Krell KSA200 and paired them up for a while. It sounded pretty good but not nearly as good as with his usual Classe CA300 so he sold the Krell. The soundstage seemed constricted and the mids were recessed. This was on Vandersteen 2ce, Cardas cables, Sony ES. I have MIT cables and like them very much when paired up with my McIntoshes.
can't comment on the CJ's,but I'm familiar with the KAS's. Very unkrell sounding amps. Excellent control with effortless presentation and a remarkably extended top end(6k &up). I'll bet with a cj preamp you're pretty close to nervona.