Krell and CJ?

Anyone tried this combination? Considering a Krell to drive Thiel 3.6's with a CJ premier 14, MIT cabling. Currently using classe ca200, looking for more power, bass control. Thanks.
Funny you ask because a friend has a CJ PV10 and got a great deal on a Krell KSA200 and paired them up for a while. It sounded pretty good but not nearly as good as with his usual Classe CA300 so he sold the Krell. The soundstage seemed constricted and the mids were recessed. This was on Vandersteen 2ce, Cardas cables, Sony ES. I have MIT cables and like them very much when paired up with my McIntoshes.
can't comment on the CJ's,but I'm familiar with the KAS's. Very unkrell sounding amps. Excellent control with effortless presentation and a remarkably extended top end(6k &up). I'll bet with a cj preamp you're pretty close to nervona.
I like both Krell and C-J on Thiels. They are different but both bring something to the table. I think the Krells are better. I use C-J. Never heard C-J and Krell together. IMHO the Classe amps are at best just OK on the Thiels.
Krell, especially the FPB series on, and very especially the 600 is the furthest thing from hard and sterile when properly set up and nourished. It outputs what it is fed and CAN BE one of the most musical amps on the planet. It's like a 600watt Triode that can do things tube amps can only dream of. I wonder how much time the previous poster has spent actually listening to the 600, 350, or even the latest Krell series amps like the 700mcx when properly set up. I have heard that tubed preamps are amazing with the 600 but have not heard tubes on them myself. I can say I have a very smooth, tubelike component, the EAD Theatermaster Signature and the result with my 600 was magical. I could listen all day, and did at times. I sold my 600 because of listening to people like the above poster and bought Lamm's only to be disappointed by their inability to handle real life dynamic swings at non headbanger levels. The Lamms went out the door faster than any other amp I have owned. Gone were the rock solid 3d images, energy and BODY of the real thing. The only concern I would have in what you are considering is that Krell only accepts balanced inputs as well as proper impedance matching. Does the CJ output balanced? I think you should give it a shot - let us know the result.