Amp upgrade recommendations

I am considering having a pair of DNA 0.5s upgraded to Rev A and converted to monoblocks to run balanced off of my BAT VK3i, which is driven by a CAL CL-10/Classe' DAC also running balanced. Speakers are Vandersteen 3Asigs. Or I could sell the amps and buy something else. The mono-block conversion and upgrade is $1800; amps would yield about $1400-1500.00 (one is already Rev B) if I sold them. Any thoughts on which route might be better? I do not want to get involved with a tube power amp. Thanks for your ideas.
As I'm sure you are aware the DNA 0.5 has a somewhat of legendary reputation. If you don't need the raw power, then a REV A upgrade could be just what the doctor ordered.

Personally, I would want to ensure I have the power reserves for dynamic peaks, etc.. If it were me, I'd look into a DNA-1 Rev A or DNA-2 REV A. One DNA-1 Rev A could still be within your budget.

And as for the DNA-2 Rev A? It doesn't get much better than that.

My only listening experience is with the DNA-2 LAE, but I like to read.

I highly recommend moving to a GamuT D-200 amp.
This amp is the best value going on the used market at $2500 or so used.
I know a guy who paired it with Vanderstein 5's and he loved it. He moved from it to a Spectral amp because all of the rest of his components were Spectral.

If you do not have a hard load to drive it is very difficult to beat the GamuT amp, at any price. I would love to have someone evaluate it against Mcormick amps.

BTW TAS gave the D-200 the Golden Ear award in 2000. They compared it (very favorable) to the tube LAMM monoblocks hich run like $30k. This amp is very hard to beat, and it can be upgaded by Gamut quite easily as technology progresses.

I think Musical Fidelity has a $5k (new) integrated that's probably half that used that is virtually impossible to beat sonically right now! I've owned a few "class A" rated amps, and have dinked around with the McCormack's, and I don't think you'll get better sound than what Musical Fidelity(Or is it Mobile fidelity..I gorget Something like that anyway)
piece offers. Might look into it.
I personally don't think the McCormmack's are "the Cat's Pajamas", but that's me. Infact, my old Threshold T200(class A rated) was better than anything that McCormack made. The T200 is the best SS amp at around $1500 used.
Good Luck