Amp upgrade recommendations

I am considering having a pair of DNA 0.5s upgraded to Rev A and converted to monoblocks to run balanced off of my BAT VK3i, which is driven by a CAL CL-10/Classe' DAC also running balanced. Speakers are Vandersteen 3Asigs. Or I could sell the amps and buy something else. The mono-block conversion and upgrade is $1800; amps would yield about $1400-1500.00 (one is already Rev B) if I sold them. Any thoughts on which route might be better? I do not want to get involved with a tube power amp. Thanks for your ideas.

based on your postings in this thread and some others, if I didn't know better I'd swear you are being stalked.

What up with that?

Billsfriend, yes I have been. I was wondering if anybody else would notice.

In fact, I kinda' feel like Michael Douglas in the movie 'Fatal Attraction'. I've received many downright nasty, even crazy emails from this person since last December.

AG has been fully aware of the situation for some time now and supposedly is monitoring it.

I just ignore it.
LLANO Trinity Series or the new amp at LLANO Designs.

The best amp I've ever heard is the Berning ZH-270.

I agree about the Synergy of a system also. I wish I'd never let go of my Rogue Mag LLANO Trinity Combo :(

I suspect if you can get a demo amp or find someone local who owns one you may be surprised how well it mates with a tube pre.

You may also want to consider the Belles 350A, I owned the 150A and prefered it to the PSAUDIO amp that was rated by Sam Class A Tellig....

Anyway goodluck and don't rule out the hybrids. Oh yeah the LLANO's are class A.