Spluta, you clearly take yourself very seriously - you mistake me for someone that was responding to your post - I was not.
I am at a loss to know which of my words were directed at you, because I cannot remember reading your post(s). Nothing you wrote in any of your posts was in my head when I wrote my post.
Frankly you flatter yourself when you say I called you a liar. I can assure you I called you nothing and did not give the idea a second's thought. All I can assume is that you found my post contradicted yours and then for some reason believed I meant to make a personal attack on you. What I did was try to describe my beliefs and why I believe them. Is that OK with you? If your reading of my post drew you to the conclusion I was belittling your opinion then I apologise for my clumsiness, but there was no intent.
Without going back and reading your earlier posts I expect it was my term 'measurement freaks' that did it? If it was not that then I am at a loss to understand what has offended you and you will have to explain. Perhaps I should go and read your posts and see if I can work it out. If it was the 'f' word, then I have to admit the word 'freak' is insulting so withdraw it. How about 'measurement zealot'? Perhaps still too negative. 'Measurement guys' just lacks a certain ring to it, if you know what I mean.
On the subject of measurements, as Bob says, the intention of most of us in this hobby is to enjoy listening with our ears. If measurement helps identify which equipment will be better or worse for that purpose, then it has value. I think that shelf life past several years ago, except to assist equipment designers. So far I am unconvinced of the connection between audible abberations and measurements, with most modern gear having a level of competence that goes well beyond the distinctions that measurement appears able to identify.
What I find annoying is the fact that 'measurement guys' repeatedly insist on spoiling the party here by interrupting the sharing of experiences and opinions, by entering with a "I'm an electrical engineer (pause for oohs and aahs), and my text books don't tell me about what you just said so it must be wrong." And no, Spluta, relax - this is not directed at you. I have no idea whether you ever said anything of the kind. It is directed generally at the several who take that position.