I've had both the Rowland 9Ti's and the Pass 600's, both of which I just sold. The Rowland s had a "sweet" sound but were really unresolving and kind of boring. The Pass' were livelier and much more resolving, but not as sweet a midrange (vocals). I had the JC-1's for 10 days and they were superb. Resolving , sweet-sounding, imaging, you name it. They blew away the Rowlands and the Pass" in listenability, if I can coin a word.The only weakness in MY system was at relatively high volumes, they became distorted. Now I have vicious speakers to drive, Avalon Osiris with a nominal 4 ohm impedance, but with what is charitably described as a difficult load. I may get the JC-1's, only I plan to audition the big Krells first. As Always, YMMV.
David Shapiro
David Shapiro