Used Pass 600monos or Rowland 8TiHC?

This amps are now out of production and the price of used ones has been down to around 7000USD on the net. So what to choose? Anyone with experince with this amps? I will use it drive my Audio Artistry Beethoven main panels. Any better options for 7000USD?
I have read over and over again that Rowland House sound is laid back and warm. But then people disagre. Someone calling it boring and someone calling it musically superb. I have only listen to the Model 2 with the best midrange (vocals) I have ever heard and I hope that 8TiHc would add the slam and dynamics that the small model 2 lacks. Anyone out there who has actually have 8tihc in there home for listning?
Ulf- I don't currently have any rowland amps nor do I plan to have one in the near future- and I am sure they are great amps(I had a model 5), they just aren't the sound that some-like myself- care for. I was not claiming that they don't have dynamics or power or even a good sound, but the presentation of the music is slightly askew not meaning bad just not 100% accurate- the kind of product I found it hard to listen to for hours at time with out my mind wandering into something else or just turning the system off all together. It only seems prudent to mention such a thing to a prospective buyer- maybe he feels other amps are too lean and bright then I am sure Rowland would be for him/her. One thing I must hand to JRDG is they are good looking amplifiers- great build quality. As I, in a round about way, said above in the right system I am sure they are magic.
I bought Deshapiro's 600's to power sub 1 ohm Apogee Scintillas. I bought the Pass monos on the strength of my listening to the X150 playing on my Apogee Duettas. The Pass is a wonderfully dynamic, involving amp, that never confuses, and never is fatiguing. Pass stole my heart away from tubes.

Llano? I had a Trinity 200 (Telefunken) here for the last few days, and the Pass wasn't needed for comparison purposes. The Llano fell on it's face.