Any experience with the Pass Labs Aleph 5???

I have heard many good things about the Pass Labs Aleph 3 and 5 amps but they are not sold near where I live. With this being the case I wonder if any of you AudiogoNers can tell me about your experience with them?
I am particularly interested in the fact they use only two gain stages and I wonder what others have thought of this approach as opposed to other solid state amps. I currently own the Aragon 8008st.
Thanks for your help.
Volks30 is a changed aleph3 with balanced inputs
i think the volks60 is a mono block 60w unit comparable to the 5's stereo version
They Pass Aleph amps are very transparent, detailed, built great, and they do a lot of things extremely well. They really are a great deal for the price...especially used. They are not an ideal amp for bass freaks, but they do have decent, balanced bass.

I agee with Driver. I didn't love my Aleph 3 for rock music or pop either. I ended up going in the tube direction because tube and hybrid amps sounded more musical/less clinical to my ears. YMMV.
My Aleph 30 is breaking in right now. My understanding is that this amp is the SS amp for tubophiles because of its musicality, but Phild what your saying is different. What hybrid amps have you liked? The Aleph 30 is a nice step up for me, even with it not being broken in yet. I can already tell. I was using a Mcintosh intregated amp. It had better bass. But I'm also using a passice preamp so that plays into the bass issue. The Aleph feels more "there" than the Mcintosh, as in more involved in the recording.
If bass is lacking chase a used pair of Aleph 2 monos (same size as a 5 stereo); I saw a pair around here somewhere for only $2700. Phew! I paid $3300 for mine used two years ago ($7800 new!). MUCH more bass: 100/160w 8/4ohms per channel.
Drive my 4 ohm Parsifal Encores to astonishing levels even in a very well-damped room! Their input impedenec is a bit higher han the 3/30/5/60 I believe, yet I use an Aleph P to maintain neutrality, punch, and absolute quiet. A GREAT sub-$5k proposition....