Pass X250/350 /Plinius SA250/Classe CAM350's/Sim

I am seeking to upgrade my amplification.

My current setup-

CD- Cary 303
Pre- ARC LS12
Amp- Classe CA150
Spkr- Proac Response 2.5's

While I am generally satisfied, I have a bad case of "upgrade-itis" and the family CFO (my wife) has given the OK.

I've been considering the following based on my research (I am located in arural area, so demoing is impossible- listening at dealers in the course of my travels is unreliable at best)-

Pass Labs X250 or 350
Plinius SA250 mkIV
Classe CAM 350 monoblocks
Simaudio W10 monoblocks

Sorry, I'm just not a tube kind of person.
(I am also considering going to the Proac Response 3.8"s in the future, so the amplifier needs to be OK for those as well.

Any ideas/insights are appreciated.
I have had the Classe 350's for about 18 months, driving inefficient speakers, and they are truly wonderful. They are a step up from the Pass Aleph amps I had before, but I understand that the Pass X series is also. One thing you might consider is practicality: the Classes weigh 75 pounds each, so a moderately fit (is there any other kind?) audiophile can move them without help, something unlikely with any comparable stereo amp, and shorter speaker cables are less expensive and more effective.
If you want a tubey sounding amp without actually owning a tube amp, I recommend the Plinius SA-250. There are a few available on AudioGon at killer prices. I've listened to the Pass and the Classe' amps, but prefer the Plinius. I have relatively efficient speakers so I don't know how well the Plinius will perform with the ProArc's.
I have auditioned the Proac 3.8 at Goodwin's in Waltham-MA with the Classé CAM350. It was a good match. Although for my very demanding speakers (Thiel CS5 i) I preferred to upgrade my previous SimAudio W-5 with the Pass X-350.