What amps do you use with your Revel Salons/Studio

I'm using an EAD PowerMaster 2000, and was toying with the idea of going to a 2-channel, or getting a pair of monos. Not sure of tube/SS...what are y'all using?
I am currently running my Salons w/ Levinson 33H's. I, like most audio enthusiasts, have heard a great many systems. However, the Salons paired with the 33H's are truly a match made in heaven to create my most realistic musical experience to date.
With Pass Labs you have the control,speed, depth and most important a very involving sound. In my opinion it is much more complete than any ML amp.

I think the new Pass Labs X350.8 will be a grat amp. Or go for a used 350.5 or 600.5
There are literally dozens of choices to choose from. And since everyone's tastes are different, then everyone's suggestions will be. My Revel/Levinson was a match for me. Many dealers ran the very same combo. In fact, Kevin Voecks, the principle person behind the Revel Brand, voiced these speakers using Levinson electronics. I've also seen Salons partnered with Pass, Audio Research, Ayre, Lamm and more. Do asuch listening as you can before deciding, because your ears should make the final decision.