Which Integrated?

I'm looking for a good quality, 'higher end', integrated amp. I am sick of using cheaper components (READ:nakamichi receiver) that make everything sound soooooo glaringly digital and fatiguing. High end separates are too expensive for me, but I would like to get into that type of higher end sound.

I will be spending about $1200 USD (give or take). So far, I have read about the Unison Research Unico (nice) and the Moon i-3.

I currently run nht 2.5i speakers (which i will be selling in order to downsize - I find they are too big for my room)

Any suggestions? Any comments from users of the aforementioned equipment?


Here are a couple to add to the list. I have not heard the Moon, but have heard good things. Plinius 8200, not the best looking, but supposedly can holds it's own with sound quality. Creek 5350SE. A strong little integrated. Very smooth sounding I think. Musical Fidelity A300. Stereophile seems to love the Musical Fidelity pieces, this one is on my audition list if I can find a dealer near me. Pathos Classic One. It's a new integrated, and being a wood worker, I love the look of this one. I like the idea of tubed pre amp with a solid state amp section. Arcam Diva A85 or maybe it's just the A85, I'm not sure since I haven't heard one or seen one, but reviewers like this amp. A couple I have mentioned are above your price range, but can be had for your price if bought used. Also, I can't forget the Audio Refinement Complete integrated. I own this one, so I had to throw it in the list. Hope this helps.
you will not believe how good the aronov 65watt intergrated is---they are going used for about 1500.oo or so if you get one--they will hold their value--i am using it to run vandersteen 3 sig for now these speakers need power and this runs it fine---i will soon be bringing this into bedroom as second system later--
You are ready for tubes. VTL integrated or the Aronov suggested will do just fine.
Right this moment there is a YBA Integre DT for $895 on the 'gon. Grab it. You will not do better. I just sold mine after 7 glorious years. There is nothing that comes close for the $. Creek? Forgedda 'bout it. Get that Integre and you're off to sonic heaven. You'll probably, after you purchase this baby, want to change your other stuff too.
good luck,
I just got a Musical Fidelity A308 Integrated and I could not be happier. It took the last bit of grain out of my Monitor Audio Silver 8i's and it unlocked details that I had not previously heard on some of my recordings. I bought a new one from Underwoodwally (Walter, who has 635 positives so far without a single negative), and he is wonderful guy to deal with. If you are looking for a more cost effective solution, I have heard that the Adcom GFP-750 can beat many pre-amps costing up to $5k and is rated Stereophile A. It can be had used for $700 to $800 on the Audiogon board. My $$$ went to a new Musical Fidelity with a 5 year warranty. Best of luck.