Tube novice here. KT88 or EL34?

Hello everyone
I want to setup a second system consisting of tubes. I love my McIntosh SS but for some music I realize tubes are better. I auditioned the Cary SLi80, the Rogue 66/88, EAR 847, and the Unison Research Simply 2. Of the three, I liked the Unison the best. It was very musical, almost ethereal in presentation and I loved it and want one badly. It was auditioned on very strange speakers called Royd Ministrels which looked ridiculously puny but sounded remarkable. I want to stick with an integrated so it is all-tube sound and no mismatches (most separates are out of my budget).

Anyway, there are two versions of this integrated, one with KT88s and one with EL34s (I auditioned the latter). What is the big difference? The KT88 one is more expensive so I am wondering. I favor soundstage and musicality over anything else. I have a Sony ES CDP, and Paradigm Reference 100.2s with MIT cables (will these speakers do well with 12W? The Royds were a lot less sensitive and sounded fantastic so I assuming it will do fine). Thanks for any info, ideas, suggestions, as I am new to tubes. Arthur
Thanks for all the replies so far! My speakers are are 89dB anechoic so I suppose I may be limited in the SET department, especially since they dip to 3 ohms. I am also looking at the Antique Sound Labs integrateds that seem to be pretty and for a good price. I will be auditioning some soon. I would like to go with SETs but am not sure if I get a dealer to let me borrow one to try on my speakers. I may have to buy and try. Thanks for any and all comments - they are appreciated. Arthur
My 2 cents... If you decide to go with an EL34 based integrated, you might want to ad Conrad Johnson's CAV-50 on your list (avg. $1300 here on Agon)
besy of luck
Arthur, sounds like your speakers will not like a SET or low powered tube amp. I would recommend that you stick with a push/pull design that uses pentode tubes (EL34's, 6550's, KT88's, or KT 90's for the most part) and puts out at least 40 to 50 WPC. The ASL integrated could be a great and ecconomical place to start. FWIW i find that the same tube in different amps will sound different(and a different brand of the same type of tube will sound different in the same amp) so sound wise its not just about EL34's or KT88's. It all in the application. good luck......
Antique Sound Labs has a 30W push-pull EL34 integrated for a very good price that was designed for inefficient loads (according to their website anyway) that is tempting.

However, I still like the SET idea since I have my SS for real power. Maybe I could get a second pair of very efficient speakers just for tubes? Any inexpensive ideas on this? This is pure addiction! Thanks. Arthur
Arthur, i don't know of any cheap and efficient speakers to match up with a SET amp. You might look at the Soliloquy, they have some high efficiency, high impedence speakers designed for SET's which don't cost an arm and a leg. How many bucks can you spend on amp & speakers?