PS: Typical McGowan Sound? -- HCA-2 & Classic 250

The commentary I have read on the HCA-2 has been mixed, but the criticisms I read remind me of the typical criticisms that have been expressed on all of Paul McGowan's designs in the past: An upfront, technicolor upper midrange & lower treble, some harmonic thinness, & a tight, but lean bass.

I'd sooner believe the review on Audiogon than I would KR's review in Stereophile, whose questionable hearing I don't trust.

In looking at the responses to the Audiogon review, it is interesting to see that half the responders love it; the other half hate it. By seeing all of them for sale on 'Gon now, you wonder what the real scoop is.

I'm kind of interested in the CLASSIC 250, which is a non-digital design that has alot of hoopla about it on the PS website. Has anyone heard or bought this amp, or compared it to the HCA-2?
Kevziek, you don't need my help to discredit you, your own diametrically opposed posts do that.

And you say that is not you at AA. Funny thing, I previously did a search and your equipment here and over at AA is coincidentally the same. Just like in your earlier contradictory posts that I quoted, your own writings betray you again. Just be a man and step up to the plate when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

And your statement, "Give it a rest before Audiogon silences you" is an obvious plea for the moderator to rescue you here and it is un-becoming.

I have done nothing to be silenced by Audiogon and the moderators are infinitely patient and fair here. I would suggest that it is you that should stop casting aspersions about a legitimate product that you haven't even heard. I suspect that the moderators may be more troubled by someone who is bashing a manufacturer without ever hearing the manufacturer's product. There is a very recent example of similar behavior to your's where a manufacturer pursued legal recourse and it wasn't pretty. Part of the problem for the poster wasn't his negative opinions or remarks about the product, but rather negative commentary that was not "legally" viewed as opinion because the poster had never auditioned the product prior to some of his inflammatory posts. Maybe you should take the hint or learn by example.

Hey, audition the amp and if you don't like it, then post negative reviews till the cows come home. And I will be the first to support your right to do so. But please stop inciting negativity about a company illegitimately.

This is my last post, I don't think anymore needs to be said. Anyone that is interested can take the time to do a search and see for themselves who is telling the truth.

Fiddler's comments don't deserve any response. He thinks he comes out smelling like a rose when it is a stinkweed that would be a closer fit.

To ad to the plethora of his unacceptable, vicious comments towards me is his adolescent warning of possible legal action against me. What, for a discussion post on an amplifier? I think that says it all.

It is Fiddler who should be at fear of "legal recourse" when he falsely accuses me, now twice, of posting negative comments about this amp on AA. Let him substantiate this absolute falsehood.

"Inciting negativity about a company illegitimately"?
What, by discussing criticisms of this product made by other Audiogon members and by the review's tester?

As a parting thought, after his shameful adolescent displays above, Fiddler should hardly tell me to "Be a man." He demonstrates no capability at that himself.
Hi Brulee, here's my website that has a few samples of some stories I have written.

It is not out in bookform yet but will be soon. Thanks for your interest.

Happy Listening

While this is not "Ripleys Believe It or Not", i received an email from someone that was directly involved with the review and product in question on this thread. I've taken the liberty of copying part of their email here, minus their name and email address. For the record, i will NOT divulge this persons name and / or email address.

"Thank you for reading carefully. Few do.".

I would suggest reading the comments that i made above and also those that i made on Audio Asylum regarding the same subject. This might better help you to understand what i learned from "reading carefully". From there, I'll leave it up to you to decide for yourself how to interpret what this email really means. Sean
I hope i have not given the opinion that this is an amp that has little competition. I was very surprised how good my Mothers system sounded compared to the Pass x 350. My opinions, for what they are worth, came from listening, not from technical reasons that mean nothing to me. What can one offer about what an amp has to offer if it has not been heard? Is this such a ridiculus question to ask?
If someone has not listened to a speaker, amp, or whatever, why would I care what opinion they have.
I come here to get feedback from those who have experience listening to whatever is being discussed. Information based on anything other than listening has nothing to offer me.