Bryston 7B Vs. Krell KAV250a

I need help in picking out a better amp between the Bryston 7B and the Krell KAV250a.

A pair of mono block Bryston 7B's at 500W/channel
Krell KAV-250a at 250W/channel

Thanks in advance.
Depends on your gear largely. They are both close in thier own league. I think the Krell has more character myself, and I'd go that route depending. But they are close in a lot of areas. The Krell seems to have more top end extension, with a bit more neutrality to the sound.
Actually, a lot of people think the Brystons are better than they really are, simply because they were put in "Class A" in Stereophile! Someone got paid there!...
They'll both have punchy bass, and the Krell should sound better in the highs, as foreverhifi2000 says. The difference in rated power may not be really audible. The Bryston's are probably better for difficult speakers whose impedance dips below 3 ohms at points in the frequency range, especially if they are switched to "current mode" in the back. Good luck.
Please make sure you audition both amplifiers before you make your decision. These two amps sound very different.

I currently have a Krell KAV-1500 and a Krell 250a/3 for my home theater system. Two months ago, I bought a second-hand Bryston 4B-ST to try out, because I was intrigued by all the supposed rave reviews that Bryston has recieved from high-end audio magazines.

Honestly, I could not believe my ears when I heard the Bryston 4B-ST for the first time. The sound was absolutely horrible - very veiled, not transparent at all, and no top end. Even my wife thought that the amp was only slightly better than the high-end Yamaha RX-V2095 home theater receiver I used to have a few years ago. Needless to say, the 4B-ST didn't stay in my house for more than a week.

I have also tried two other amps, Meridian 557 and JBL Synthesis S650. Both amps are quite good, and way better than the Bryston 4B-ST.

So, within my own experience of having owned 4 brands of amp, I honestly don't know why Bryston has received all the hoopla that it has received.....

Maybe other people's ears would prefer the Bryston sound, but I know that my and wife's ears certainly would not.....