Bryston 7B Vs. Krell KAV250a

I need help in picking out a better amp between the Bryston 7B and the Krell KAV250a.

A pair of mono block Bryston 7B's at 500W/channel
Krell KAV-250a at 250W/channel

Thanks in advance.
LOL!, All of you have to move up the amp food chain to realize Krell is far superior than all mentioned here!, I have a brand new revised krell 700cx, the only one in the country!, If all of you could listen to this, your opinions may change?, I have installed modern day caps that were not available in 2005!, To my ears, one of the most realistic reproduction of sound available at any cost!
Does anybody read the dates before they post? The original poster asked this question 11 years ago... And a 7B is not NEARLY the amp that a new 7B-SST2 is so to expect that the answer to this question is the same now as it was in 2002 is not accurate. Not that I put much stock in it, but the 7B-SST2 is now rated a Class B on the Stereophile Recommended Components if that's important to you...

Its great to have post like this continue for the used market.
There are budget minded audiophiles still making similar decisions on this same gear today.