What would a 2a3 based amp. bring to the table?

Mispelling will follow, so please forgive my french. My newly acquired Virtuoso by Reference 3a, seems to be as sensitive as they claim,(92db). That fact combine with the proximity to witch I sit,(7feet) seems to point out that they would be 2a3 compatible as long as I listen without a desire for the music to go loud. I have had experiences with 300b based amps( Cary,Wavelenth), altought in a less favorable speaker situation. Before leaving beind the fairly safe territory of the 300b based amps, with its additionnal power over the 2a3, I need the imputs of peoples that have "been there,done that". What is there to gain? Is there a parametre of excellence that witch can only be attain with the 2a3? Witch one is it? Will there be compromises? Do you have an amp to recommende that stand out? I use analog and cd as sources and listen mainly to operas and the classics. Merci.
Aball, I looked at the ASL website, and all their 2A3 amps are about 3.2 watts/channel. The only 8 watt amps they have are 300B. The reason I made my comment about it, is because you can't get 8 watts out of a single 2A3 per channel. 8 watts is normally a single-ended 300B wattage figure. Check it out. They do have 8 watt/channel 300B amps.
Speaker comparability with 2A3/300B SET is not just depends on the sensitivity of the speakers. Impedance curve of the speakers are probably more important than the sensitivity.
For example, you can use 89dB Merlins VSMs with 2A3 SET amps fine since they are 8ohm nominal with very small impedance dip. In other hand, another speaker with 94dB 8ohm nominal but impedance dips down to/below 4ohm will not work well even with 300B SET amps.