Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Misternice, Hi, have you enjoyed all that you have read so far, I have input alot of work here, the biggest mistake alot of audiophiles make is they believe they cannot afford Tara labs cables, when in fact, Tara labs makes cables at many different price points, no other cable company makes cables to match the system an individual has in their homes, I will get to that latter with an explanation, I look forward to you impressions, cheers.
Hi,I cant talk for anyone else,cause we are all different, and have different goals at different times.I could get the omega gold sc right now,if I wanted it. I have other things on which have doubled my money,and make life a lot better and easier.Xmas is nearly on us,the stereo is only one of my interests.The new leonard cohen album is not a bad listen.Ill put the new u2 album on next.Happy listenining
Misternice, I understand, there will be some tara Omega Gold on the used market when you are ready, I was asking if you read and liked what I posted about the comment's of owner's of some of the new cables by tara labs cables, Is your Rhodium GTX-D out-lets getting better sound as time gos on?, you know, likly, I will be moving up to the Zero and Omega Evolution cables myself, this will take some time to pay for, you get what you pay for, I know the cables I have now are worth every penny I paid for them, no other cable brand or model that I have tried has bettered what I have now, so to be able to move up the cable food chain of Tara labs will be likly my last for any cables by any one, here over the last year, I have rented a few cables from the cable company to hear what all the fuss was about with a few brands out there, I was disapointed, you cannot believe all the hype, I believe that can be said about alot of high-end these days, however, every time I have moved to a better tara labs cable, It has lived past all my expectations with mouth dropping amazement!, thankyou Bob, reply back when you can, cheers.
Hi Jebsmith73, I have my own blue book for audio, most cables re-sale value drops by atleast 40% from retail on the used market, I know of a brand of cables right now that drops 60% to 70% from retail that is NOT Tara Labs cables, no, I do not believe Tara labs has the best resale value at all, defiantly not the worst either, about in the middle accordinally to my saved archive of cables I have created, I have kept up with alot of the high-end resale market over the years to give me a bassis for an offer when I would like to buy anything, cheers.