plinius sa100III v pass x150

The reviews on both the amps are excellent. I haven't auditioned either and probably would not before my purchase.I have heard that plinius is more difficult in system matching. I don't know if there is any truth to it.
Anyway, any opinions on sound quality and other related info would be appreciated.
Thank you
What is the rest of your system?
Because both components can sound not-so-good if not matched well with a given system.

Jrud- Just a word of caution. Listen before you buy!!!! OK, actually, a few words. Reviews are at best a positive when it comes to resell an item, but they mean very little in terms of your potential enjoyment. If possible, I'd suggest considering a new amp that would have a money back offer, possibly a PS Audio or some other manufacturer with a similar offer? Most used gear isn't available with an audition clause as part of the sale. Just curious, but have you considered a good tube amp instead?:-)
Good luck.
If you are buying used and have the funds, buy both and compare in your own home ... sell the one you like less. Best of both worlds, used pricing and an unlimited home audition.