Suggestion for good used Integ. Amp for $ 5-600?

I am looking for a used, relatively good quality to drive my B&W 603 speakers for $ 5 - 600.
Search in the forums, this topic has been touched on numerous times. Audio Refinement, which I owned. Also, Anthem INT 1, or 2. Mistral makes a great one. Used Creek would also be a great way to go. The 4330 can be had for less than you are wanting to spend.
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Tube Choices are: (Trust me, you cant go wrong!)
1.) Sonic Frontiers SFC-1
2.) Union Research Simply 12
3.) Audio Research CA-50

Solid State Choices are:
1.) Marantz PM-17SA
2.) Denon PMA-200R
3.) Roksan Kandy
you cant go wrong with the following stuff!!! naim nait-3,
linn majik, primare a-20....all are fantastic!!!