Marsh A400s or McCormackDNA225?

I have some B&W CDM9NT speakers. I'm looking at this 2 amps. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Being a friend of Steve McCormack, naturally I suggest the DNA 225.

As for sound, the 225 is a remarkable value in the world of high end audio. Add to that, there are no reliability or service issues.

In case you don't already know, Steve is a very fine person who runs his company in a professional way while still treating his customers with respect. A balance this is difficult to achieve in this market.
I am not qualified to answer, another member who has experience with the Marsh will need to help us out.
The Marsh is highly thought of, for its price. But considering that B&W's are quite power hungry I believe the DNA225 would be the better fit in this application. Or if you can, spring for the DNA500?