Want to discover the latest ultimate TWEAK...well then, read on to the bottom! But first....
1. Your average thief is probably not going to give the time of day to some high-end stereo gear since they are looking for things they can easily carry, and turnover quickly. The average person takes one look at my 300B's and says something like: "I didn't know they made tubes anymore" or "Are those things antiques?"
2. OK, lets say you have some fancy looking Plinius amps that are screamnig $ to a thief, do you think they are going to take the time to look it over for the engraved DL or SS #, or do you think they'd really care if they did notice it? My guess is that the average burglar is in a big hurry, desperate, or both! Even if they did notice your hand-scribed artistry on the back of your gear, do you think that they will then leave the house they've broken into to look next door for stuff that isn't marked...and then tell all their criminal friends not to bother with your house...or perhaps it will go onto the Internet Burglars Database under "Don't Bother"
3. So the thief takes your valuable Plinius with engraved ID on it, and then has the cahones to actually sell it to a pawnshop, or off the street to someone else.....how likely do you think it will be that that very Plinius will be coming back to you via your average overworked metro Police department? ..And, at that point, since you really don't know where it's been, or what it's been through, do you really want your Plinius back?! I assume since you can afford a Plinius and associated components in the first place, that you probably have insurance on them!
4. What any of this has to do with snipers, or violent crime in general is beyond me!?
Oh, one more thing; the previous owners of the LaScala's in my home system had engraved his drivers licence number on the inside of the horn box, quite visible from behind. It did not in any way deter me from buying them from him, nor was I pre-disposed to lowball his more than fair price for them. It does amuse me a bit to think of a burglar trying to move those 130 lb speakers the size of dishwashers out of my house! Granted, I may be an exception where that's concerned. But I have to add, those speakers still sound pretty amazing in spite of his dremel-tool signature!! Come to think of it, the other LaScalas I've listened too don't sound nearly as good. On my internally-engraved LaScalas the soundstage is not only wider and deeper, but goes higher and lower as if the performance broke through my floor and ceiling! Perhaps etching those letters changed the internal resonances of the horn cabinet! The question is, would the improvements be significantly altered if one were to engrave an entirely different ID into the cabinet? Perhaps I'll start an auction here on A'gon with the winning bidder obtaining a stenciled pattern of this guy's engraved signature...maybe it will work on tube amps too!!