A vote for speakers and this is based on my experience of change. Every change in the system has an effect, but the biggest change and or improvement is the speakers. So this is my order of declining significance, which is not to say items on the bottom do'nt play a big part.
Phono stage
CD player
Stands and tweaks
Power conditioning
power cables
Just what I have found, but in there are some dramatic changes from small things. Two examples and strong recommendations, Walker Audio HDL links, Marigo stealth Signature mat.
Some of the reason for the items lower in the list, is, I believe, because of a general rise in quality and performance convergence. IN particular, CD players, it is far harder to find really bad players now. Even the cheapest give a creditable performance. At the top, there are so many conflicting choices and compromises in making a good transducer, sound varies enormously and not related to cost. Having just installed Acoustic Zen Adagio's, I can't think of any item that has improved/changed the sound of my system by so much
Phono stage
CD player
Stands and tweaks
Power conditioning
power cables
Just what I have found, but in there are some dramatic changes from small things. Two examples and strong recommendations, Walker Audio HDL links, Marigo stealth Signature mat.
Some of the reason for the items lower in the list, is, I believe, because of a general rise in quality and performance convergence. IN particular, CD players, it is far harder to find really bad players now. Even the cheapest give a creditable performance. At the top, there are so many conflicting choices and compromises in making a good transducer, sound varies enormously and not related to cost. Having just installed Acoustic Zen Adagio's, I can't think of any item that has improved/changed the sound of my system by so much